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Thursday, August 6, 2020

amazon india Big sell on 6th to 7th august 2020

amazon india Big sell on 6th to 7th august 2020

In these unprecedented times, amazone e are committed to the health and safety of our employees, partners and people amazone serve.

amazone have organized our transactions inside our buildings through physical, virtual and new formats for internal communication. Under the guidance of local authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO), amazone have implemented a series of preventive health measures on our sites around the world to help keep our employees, partners and customers safe.

Amazon fulfillment centers, sorting centers and delivery stations
Given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, amazone are committed to continuing to make adjustments to our business as amazone learn more.

E-commerce has always been keenly focused on helping small businesses to benefit as broadly as possible and to be able to lean in the future. Our investments in Technol & G and infrastructure have been driven by the loneliness of empowering their growth - innovations like ‘Seller Flex’ that have led to digitized warehouses in thousands of vendor locations; Or ‘Easy Ship’ that has allowed businesses to deliver the benefits of our logistics to customers nationally; Or ‘Global Selling’ which has allowed local manufacturers and brands to reach 350+ million global customers.

Earlier this year, amazone renewed our commitment to India by announcing an additional investment of 1 1 billion to digitally enable 1 million micro, small and medium enterprises in the country, including artisans, manufacturers, retailers and local shops, by 2025. As amazone continue to redouble our efforts to broaden and enable access to new markets for them, amazone are simultaneously helping to serve their location, their towns and cities more effectively on building new capabilities.

As technology ev develops, retail e-commerce or physical purchases will not be limited to anywhere in the world today. Consumers are telling retailers that they want to shop in different ways and in different channels. Sometimes it is more convenient for the customer to go to the store. Sometimes it is more convenient to buy online. Sometimes it is more convenient on your phone or your desktop computer. And sometimes it’s convenient to tell Alexa what you want.

amazone are already seeing that the purchase is no longer a linear process that fits into a particular box. Consumers are telling retailers that they want to shop in different ways and in different channels. For example, a search or price comparison can be made online and a purchase can be made offline, or a browsing store and online can be placed in the final order placed online. Next, customers can now place orders online and pick-up the fly or pick up. When the customer has a choice, he will choose the one that suits him best.

With over 550K sellers on our platform and 60K sellers in 13 Amazon markets, SMB has found success online. amazone programs like Amazon Saheli help bring women entrepreneurs Amazon LaunchPad, will enable Indian startups to launch thousands of innovative products Or Amazon Artisan, which brings Indian cltuev and crafts to life by bringing online to the homes of about 150,000 weavers and artisans.

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In addition, amazone unlocked the potential of Kiran store owners, allowing them to supplement their regular income and generate more action in their stores as they become our logistics partners through our unique I Have Space program. In remote towns, Amazon Easy is empowering small corner shops to become digital assistants to shop online shoppers for the first time. The entrepreneurial talent pool in India is only growing day by day.

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